Osteopathy and hormonal complaints
Our body consists of all cells and organs. All these cells and organs must be able to work well together to continue to function properly and without complaints. Communication between cells and organs is achieved by the nervous system and the hormonal system.
Communication between cells and organs is achieved by the nervous system and the hormonal system. Our brain and nervous system are continuously screening our body to see whether everything is still in balance and functioning properly.
If this is not the case, hormones are used to restore the balance or to ensure that a function can be performed. For example: the hormone adrenaline, which ensures that you are in a heightened state of preparedness if you find yourself in a sudden stressful situation.

In today’s society, our hormonal system is increasingly put under pressure, for example due to little sleep, more stress, poor nutrition, smoking, etc. All these factors can cause you to develop complaints.
These can of course be normal physical complaints, but they can also be unexplained complaints, such as hormonal complaints.
Osteopathy can help with hormonal complaints. As an osteopath and acupuncturist, I specialize in treating these complaints. Make an appointment? call 06-38303629 or email osteopathie@doortast.nl
Osteopathy for your hormonal complaints? - make an appointment!
For which hormonal complaints does osteopathy help?
Osteopathy is a good treatment method for many complaints. Hormonal complaints that I often treat are:
- Unwanted infertility (men and women)
- Headache / migraine complaints
- Burn out symptoms and complaints
- Sleep problems
- Stomach and/or intestinal complaints
- Pelvic complaints
Do you recognize one or more of the above complaints and would you like to make an appointment? I can be reached on 06-38303629 or email to osteopathie@doortast.nl